We serve installation and service companies in the HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Solar, and related technical industries. We provide business guidance, recruitment services, and leadership training to help companies build a sustainable culture and environment.
Our 360 degree business review examines your business from different perspectives to provide unbiased insight of how each primary and secondary element interacts with the whole. It looks at the secondary elements that influence and affect the primary elements to determine if there is a supporting, tolerant, or adversarial relationship between the parties and processes involved. Ultimately it provides an action plan to address the issues that will deliver the biggest impact for the business.
It tells you how your business is really performing and what is holding you back.
The task of finding a new employee is difficult, time consuming, and often deferred until absolutely necessary. This is compounded with the frustration that you seldom find good people when you need them. To get the best candidates for your business you need to have a ‘year round’ recruiting strategy that allows you to separate the great from the mediocre applicant. Then you need to use a strategy to determine just how good they are.
For less than $10 a week you can have your own personal “recruiting machine” that runs 365 days a year!
Precisionrecruiter.com provides you with a strategic automated process that:
• Ads placed on the top two job boards
• Applicant tracking
• Provides a screening process
• Email Updates
• Applicant testing and evaluations
• Custom telephone interview scripts for you to evaluate your candidates.
We then provide additional follow up interview scripts and provide a central searchable location for you to collect, organize, and review materials regarding each applicant and evaluate their responses to determine who is the best fit for your company’s needs.
Also available are tests to determine; Aptitude (intelligence), Behavioral (habits), Personality (natural traits), and Technical/Skills. In addition we have, recruiting coaching, ad copy, job descriptions, standard development and background checks are also available.
PREPARESM AssessmentOur 7-Step PREPARESM Assessment focuses on
significantly |
Pegasus Pricing StrategiesA point of sales (POS) based pricing and sales
strategy that gets the maximum sales during the busy times and
allows for promotion pricing increasing sales during the slower
periods. Providing the customer a number of choices, the reasons to
buy, and pricing incentives, your average sales can grow 20- |